The LIFE Legal Actions – Legal Actions on Clean Air project aims to empower NGOs and citizens to take part in public participation processes on the development or revision of air quality plans, to improve their access to justice by supporting their demand for air quality measures or as a last resort to initiate legal action. The project also aims to improve the relationship between citizens and government as well as government accountability, transparency and responsiveness. The specific aims of the project are:
- To empower and motivate EU citizens and NGOs to campaign for effective air quality measures by providing information about the sources and effects of air pollution and potential solutions, and by providing advice on their right to participate in decision-making processes and to take legal action if necessary; and
- To motivate political decision-makers to improve air quality legislation and implementation by advising them on existing national and European funding schemes, promoting green public procurement (GPP) as part of a resource-efficient economy, and transferring examples of best practice.