LUCENSE is a non-profit private/public company started in 1984. Shareholders are among the local public bodies, banks and foundations and trade associations of the province of Lucca (e.g. Industrialists, craftsmen association and commerce association). Its mission is to promote local economic development.
In particular through innovation and applied research projects, technology transfer actions and provision of innovative services. It is a research organization according to the EC COM 323/2006 and conducts industrial research and experimental development and disseminates their results mostly by way of technology transfer. It provides also several qualified services through its business units: LUNET (ICT services & software development), Centro Qualità Carta (independent testing lab specialized ln analysis and testing of cellulose-based products, accredited by ACCREDIA) and Innovation Services (environmental and energy consultancy, smart mobility, optimization of industrial processes, etc.).
In the last decade, the company dedicated considerable efforts to support the action of the Municipality of Lucca to develop green city logistics processes. LUCENSE released in 2003 for the Municipality of Lucca the feasibility study that kicked off the initiative, it was involved as technical subcontractor as responsible off the demonstration phase in the Life CEDM project (LIFE05 ENV/IT/00087), it operated as partner in two following projects (LUSLIN and LOVE LUCCA) co-financed by the Ministry of Environment that led to the establishment of the Lucca Urban Distribution Centre and to lead the initiative from the experimental services to business and market. Its activities cover both logistics issues as well as the implementation of the ICT platform. LUCENSE participate to cooperation projects (FP5-7, IEE, ecc) including LIFE (e.g. LIFE14 ENV/IT/001050) and it has an extended network of contacts in urban mobility and is partner of the Logical Town Association.