C1 LIFE ASPIRE Evaluation Methodology
This action will work out and provide specific methodology/guidelines that will be reported in the detailed “LIFE ASPIRE Evaluation Plan”. The evaluation will be performed under different headings (e.g. environmental indicators, service provision, economic viability, market projection, transferability). The plan will include different categories/indicators, not only related to the environmental and energy aspects (i.e. greenhouse and noxious gas emissions, noise emission and fuel/energy consumption) but also indicators related to sustainability of the measures realized and demonstrated (service accessibility, technical and technological effectiveness, economic viability, operation costs, organization and operation dimensions, level of transferability and extension, level of urban policy, users satisfaction, etc.). A particular attention will be payed to the definition of the modalities to monitor and evaluate the demonstration activities and the performance level of the innovative Logistics Credit Management Platform (LOCMAP).
C2 Data collection during demonstration
Data and information collection activity in the Lucca site will start few months (3) after the beginning of the demonstration activities (Actions B.3) in order to be sure to gather data that are related to reasonably established and stable demonstrated services (in terms of service operation, users sample size, etc.). The data collection process will follow the procedures (and indicators) set out in the Evaluation Plan defined in Action C.1 and will provide fundamental data and inputs to the following phase of evaluation of the different impacts (technical/technological, environment, energy and socio-economic) of LIFE ASPIRE eco-sustainable logistics measures and services.
C3 Monitoring and measuring LIFE performance indicators
The aim of this mandatory Action is to report on the outputs and impact of the project taking into account the LIFE performance indicators in order to contribute to evaluating the impact of the LIFE ASPIRE project.
C4 Project impacts evaluation
This action will involve the analysis and evaluation activities properly conducted on the datasets collected under Action C.2 during the demonstration. This action will lead to the evaluation of environment, energy, socio-economic and transferability impacts in Lucca (as demonstration site) and, under Action B.4, in Zadar and Stockholm (as transferability sites), resulting from the demonstration of the LIFE ASPIRE measures and services. Particular attention will be payed to the results of the implemented “credit based” access policy and to the related Logistics Credit Management
Platform (LOCMAP). Collected data and information (Action C.2), indicators (including LIFE performance indicators) and project performance parameters (related to pollution, noise, consumptions, etc.) will be computed in order to assess the contribution of LIFE ASPIRE services and measures to the reduction of greenhouse and noxious pollutant emission and to the energy consumption. The measured benefits will be compared to the current baseline and to the expectations defined at proposal stage. The outcomes of the evaluation (at demo scale) will be projected and extrapolated to obtain indications about potential impacts at long-term (i.e. 3 years after the project conclusion) and at a 2030 perspective. The environmental evaluation will be complemented by an analysis of the normative and regulatory scenario (“credit based” approach) that represent the basis of the demonstrated city logistics measures and services. Moreover, a specific socioeconomic impacts evaluation will be performed (i.e SMEs business improvement, competitiveness of urban
area, etc.). This Action is divided in 4 Sub-Actions.
SUB ACTION C.4.1: Project measures and environmental impacts evaluation
SUB ACTION C.4.2 Assessment of socio economic impacts
SUB ACTION C4.4: EU policy recommendations